On Friday, June 17th, we were in San Antonio to help sponsor the Kinetic Kids Expo.
Because of COVID, this is the first time since the 2019 Expo that we were able to participate in one of their events. With all the smiles and gratitude welcoming us back, we had a great time and look forward to offering as much support as we can in the future.
Savannah Blair, R.B.T., founder of Autism Adventures of Texas, had a family emergency that prevented her from attending to demonstrate our products. Our prayers go out to Savannah’s family. Due to this last-minute change, we closed our store to increase support to the Expo.
Leaving Houston at 4:30am on a 3 1/2-hour drive to San Antonio could have made for a long trip, but traffic was light and weather was good. Upon arriving, the volunteers were eagerly helping exhibitors unload and setup their booths.
Even before the official opening of the event, many families with eager children began wandering into the Exhibit Hall. Somewhere midway through the event, estimates indicated that about 600 families arrived to talk to 70 exhibitors.
Highlights of the Expo were a dancing and singing session in the Center of the Hall and the Parade of Children marching, dancing, and singing around the Hall near the end of the Expo.
Arriving back to the store and unloading the resources we took to the Expo around 7:30pm, left us tired and satisfied after seeing the happy children and meeting the grateful families.
Our thanks go out to everyone at the 2022 Kinetic Kids Expo, including the staff, other sponsors, exhibitors, and attendees for making us feel appreciated at the event.
Pictures of the Expo Event