Our Journey Begins with Locating, Leasing, and Opening Funtastic Learning Toys New Northwest Houston Store. On December 6, 2019, after months of search for a location for Funtastic Learning Toys Northwest Houston store, the right location was found. Lease was completed on December 11, 2019 and move in begins. While spending a week scheduling for electrical, internet, security system, and telephones installed and activated, we can began moving products, shelving, and furniture into the store.
Locating, Leasing, and Moving In
Six months of searching, contacting owners and/or property managers, and inspecting several locations provided surprising results. The biggest surprise was how few commercial retail spaces are A.D.A. (Americans with Disabilities Act requirements for Retail Establishments) compliant and how few owners are cooperative to bring their property within requirements. A shopping center owner that operated a shopping center which was built prior to wheelchair ramp requirements were implement was the worst. Not only were the doors, bathroom and inside of the retail store space not A.D.A. compliant, the owner stated that if we wanted the center commons area to be updated with a wheelchair ramp and handicap parking we would be required to pay for the changes and no costs would be distributed to any of the 11 other tenants on the property.

Organizing and Setting Up

With Christmas over and starting a New Year, Our next major project to opening Funtastic Learning Toys New Northwest Houston Store was designing our building sign and having it installed.