Word Of The Day Flip Chart


Start building a lifelong love of words with these interesting, ten-minute-a-day, oral vocabulary activities. Comprehensive, stimulating word introductions provided for the teacher engage children, and lead them quickly to correct usage. They will act out word meaning, draw pictures, find lots of ways to use each word, and more. Watch them glow as they impress people with all the silver dollar words they know. 192 pages. Spiral bound.

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Start building a lifelong love of words with these interesting, ten-minute-a-day, oral vocabulary activities. Comprehensive, stimulating word introductions provided for the teacher engage children, and lead them quickly to correct usage. They will act out word meaning, draw pictures, find lots of ways to use each word, and more. Watch them glow as they impress people with all the silver dollar words they know. 192 pages. Spiral bound.

  • Start building a lifelong love of words with these interesting, ten-minute-a-day, oral vocabulary activities
  • Comprehensive, stimulating word introductions provided for the teacher engage children, and lead them quickly to correct usage
  • They will act out word meaning, draw pictures, find lots of ways to use each word, and more
  • Watch them glow as they impress people with all the silver dollar words they know
  • 192 pages
Weight0.75 lbs
Dimensions8.5 × 8 × 0.5 in
Suggested Age

5+ years

Common Use

Child: Infant to Kindergarden

Safety Warning

None Known