50 Base Ten Activities


  • 50 double sided activity cards for teaching with base ten blocks.
  • Includes contents lists which can be used as a check off list.
  • Teaches mathematics mastery.
  • Follows a developmental progression.
  • Effective use of manipulatives.

30 in stock

SKU: JRL326 Category:

50 Base Ten Activities is a set of 50 double-sided activity cards for teaching math skills with base ten blocks. Topics include: counting, subtilizing, problem solving, ordering, grouping, Ty numbers, place value, estimation, addition, trading, subtraction, doubling, halving, multiplication, squares, division, remainders, prime numbers, measure, volume, surface area, percentages, decimals and factors. The front side provides teaching objectives, resources used and procedure. The other side provides visual examples. Math manipulatives used effectively throughout and presented in clear photography. Contains 50 double-sided activity cards and a contents card that can act as a check off list.

Weight0.9 lbs
Dimensions7.4 × 4.75 × 0.8 in
Suggested Age

5+ years

Common Use

Child: Elementary to Middle School

Safety Warning

None Known