Primary Sources, Native Americans


Primary Source Packs include more than 20 historical documents to help students think critically and analytically, interpret events, and question the various perspectives of history. Created to support CCSS, each historical document pack contains 20 important primary sources including: photos, maps, paintings, lithographs, newspaper clippings, and more! Quality that is suited for an art walk, durability to last for years. We have delved into the archives, so teachers don’t have to!

18 in stock

SKU: GALPSPNAT Categories: ,

Primary Source Packs include more than 20 historical documents to help students think critically and analytically, interpret events, and question the various perspectives of history. Created to support CCSS, each historical document pack contains 20 important primary sources including: photos, maps, paintings, lithographs, newspaper clippings, and more! Quality that is suited for an art walk, durability to last for years. We have delved into the archives, so teachers don’t have to!

  • Students participate in active learning by creating their own interpretations of history using historical documents
  • Each primary resource is printed on sturdy 8.5″ X 11″ card stock
  • 20 pages
  • Students will think critically and analytically, interpret events, and question various perspectives of history
Weight0.06 lbs
Dimensions12 × 9 × 0.2 in
Suggested Age

8+ years

Common Use

Child: Elementary to Middle School

Safety Warning

None Known