Pre-Writing Basics Patterns


Templates to practice drawing lines in a fun way, helping to pick up habits for pre-writing. The patterns practice directionality and fine motor skills. They can be used on a range of surfaces with pencils, crayons, chalk, or finger paints. Includes 4 tracing patterns, each measure 8.25″ x 2.75″.

53 in stock

SKU: MLE31861 Categories: ,

Templates to practice drawing lines in a fun way, helping to pick up habits for pre-writing. The patterns practice directionality and fine motor skills. They can be used on a range of surfaces with pencils, crayons, chalk, or finger paints. Includes 4 tracing patterns, each measure 8.25″ x 2.75″.

  • These tracing templates fine-tune developing motor skills, strengthen muscle-memory, and introduce essential writing elements
  • They encourage children to play with and learn the letters, to form their first words, drawing them, painting them, pegging them, sewing them, assembling them
  • The easy-clean surfaces welcome pencils, crayons, chalk, or finger paints
  • Recommended age 2-5 years
Weight0.44 lbs
Dimensions9.84 × 7.09 × 2.76 in
Suggested Age

2+ years

Common Use

Child: Infant to Kindergarden

Safety Warning

None Known